Friday, February 15, 2008

To Make Green Chile Stew


Second Edition said...

I like to add corn, scraped off the cob, about 10 minutes before it's done cooking. A controversial move in my family. But I like the color, the texture and the nod to history.

Flutephobia said...

I was afraid to post this because green chile stew is so personal and varied. but this is how I make it, so there. You weren't the only one, by the way, who adds corn, as a quick and informal poll concluded. so you're only controversial within your family, which I'm sure is nothing new!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely way to write a recipe. I love your illustrations.


Anonymous said...

What a fun way to make a recipe! The style of the drawings remind me of Ferrarra's cookbook.

food makes me happy said...

What a cute drawing!

Anonymous said...

that's a cool idea :-)

corn is totally controversial though. i usually like to add it to things, and my boyfriend just thinks its incredibly "weird" haha.

kids aprons said...

this is a very awkward way to interpret a recipe with some instruction. XD but it was pretty cool

criticpapa said...

whoa!!!, you had a passion in blogging, thumbs up for your work of love.. Hehe very inspiring ideas,

anyway I'm william
mind if I put a link back to you?

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CatCat said...

Great illustration, eh. Thanks a lot for the recipe. :)

Cathy@medical equipments